20 years experience
Above 20 years of experience was appreciated by small, medium and big enterprises worldwide.
Our Dealers
Our Dealers you can find in Europe, Afrika, Australia, North America.
More than 1000 machines in World
At present on all the continents work succesfully more than 1.000 machines produced by our company.
We are the only representative of ASCO for Central and Eastern Europe.
One of the first processes commonly performed on textiles, is to rewind the material to a new roll of a different size or width. For this purpose, ASCO has several solutions available. Besides rewinding the fabric, these machines can also be used to inspect the material for defects, perform length measurements, and/or one make one or more length or cross cuts during processing.
After panels have been cut, one of the following steps is to process the edges. ASCO has multiple solutions to create hems or pockets, join panels together, or attach extruded profiles or splines.
Commonly regarded as the most important manufacturing process, cutting and/or marking is where the product gets its’ desired dimensions. ASCO cutting and marking equipment ensures these processes are achieved at any level of quality and automation desired by the customer.